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Full Version: Science: Mixing Cannabis And Alcohol Can Be Dangerous
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Science: Mixing Cannabis And Alcohol Can Be Dangerous

A lot of things can happen when you mix these two.

<a class="author url fn" href="" title="Posts by Mary Schumacher">Mary Schumacher</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-03-13T00:00:37+00:00">Mar 12, 2018</time>

There are many things that can occur when mixing alcohol with other substances and cannabis is definitely one of the no-nos after youve been drinking. Sure, a casual cocktail or two with a puff or two isnt likely to send you over the edge, head in toilet, unable to speak, but if you go a good four or five cocktails deep and then smoke a fat doobie, chances are youre going to regret it.

But why? Alcohol and cannabis are two of the most widely accepted recreational mind altering substances there are. Shouldnt they play nice together? The short answer is no, though of course, everyones bodies will handle the combo differently. Your reaction may not be so extreme, but you are a lot more likely to clam up, space out and maybe get the spins if you drink and smoke.......