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Full Version: Study: Cannabidiol Shows Promise As Treatment For Tobacco Addiction
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Study: Cannabidiol Shows Promise As Treatment For Tobacco Addiction

Trying to kick the cigarette habit? Cannabis may be the answer.

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By: <a class="author url fn" href="" title="Posts by Terry Hacienda">Terry Hacienda</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-05-23T14:00:16+00:00">May 23, 2018</time>


Good news for all you struggling to kick the tobacco habit: Cannabis may hold the key to help cigarette addicts stop smoking, according to new research.

Cannabidiol, commonly called CBD, has been demonstrated to completely disable the trigger for relapse in most smokers who have quit, according to researchers.

The study, published in the journal Addiction, supports other scientific data suggesting that tobacco users who used a CBD inhaler whenever they felt like lighting a cigarette cut their consumption by 40 percent in oneweek.....