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Editor’s Note: Marijuana is the Right Medicine for My Anxiety - Printable Version

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Editor’s Note: Marijuana is the Right Medicine for My Anxiety - Purple Power - 04-26-2018

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Editors Note: Marijuana is the Right Medicine for My Anxiety

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By <span class="reviewer" itemprop="author">Lesley Nickus </span> on <span class="dtreviewed"> <time class="value-datetime" datetime="2018-04-25T09:05:24+00:00" itemprop="datePublished"> April 25th, 2018</time></span>

Hi. Im Lesley Nickus, Marijuana.coms new Managing Editor. Like many of our readers, Ive been self-medicating for years. In the absence of clinical research and a solid bank of information for doctors to effectively recommend specific cannabis products for medical use, those in search of alternative therapies have been forced to take a lets see what happens approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the cannabis products we consume based mostly on the anecdotal experiences of our peers.

Since 2007, I have studied the plants makeup, cultivation practices, extraction techniques and the science behind how cannabinoids interact with our bodys endocannabinoid system. But I never knew exactly what or how I could best utilize this knowledge for my individual wellness.....