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Can Marijuana Really Cure Cancer? Here’s The Science - Printable Version

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Can Marijuana Really Cure Cancer? Here’s The Science - Purple Power - 01-04-2018

Can Marijuana Really Cure Cancer? Heres The Science

The answer may surprise you!

<a class="author url fn" href="" title="Posts by Richard Faulk">Richard Faulk</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-01-04T12:00:08+00:00">Jan 04, 201</time>

To delve into the literature on medical marijuana can, at times, feel like wading into a sea of nonsense. But one of the claims that seems on its face to rank among the most supremely bullshittiest turns out to be an astonishing breakthrough that will astonish you: Cannabis actually can cure cancer.

Provided your cancer is a brain tumor, and you are a laboratory rat.

Lets back up a sec. Cannabinoidsthe active ingredients in marijuana, which include THC as well as nearly one hundred other related chemicals.....