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How to Make an Herbal Anti-Anxiety Tincture at Home
How to Make an Herbal Anti-Anxiety Tincture at Home

<a class="" href="https://www.marijuana.com/news/2017/08/how-to-make-an-herbal-anti-anxiety-tincture-at-home/#respond">0</a> By <span><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://www.marijuana.com/news/author/allisonbeckett/" title="Posts by Allie Beckett">Allie Beckett</a> </span> on <span> </span>

<span>August 11th, 2017</span>

Yeah, thats right, its tincture time! A staple in herbology, tinctures are a liquid, concentrated dose of herbs that pack a serious punch.

To the surprise of many, tinctures are actually a form of extraction concentrating herbs into their most potent form with the use of alcohol (similar to how vanilla extract is produced).

A simple dropper full of tincture can do amazing things for anxiety, sleep, focus, pain, immunity boost, allergies (the list goes on). Tinctures are a simple way to replenish and infuse your body with herbal power.

Tinctures are versatile they can be taken directly under the tongue or mixed into your favorite drink for a more soothing experience.

Alcohol-based tinctures are the standard in most herbology practices because of their long shelf-life of several years and the effective way alcohol strips all the beneficial goodness from herbs.

However, there are plenty of alternatives to alcohol extraction. I personally love glycerin tinctures because theyre sweet like honey, making them a great addition to tea. Apple cider vinegar can also be used as an alcohol substitute. For a tasty compromise, many herbalists combine alcohol and glycerin to take away some of alcohols bite in their tinctures. If youre avoiding alcohol but want to make an alcohol-based tincture, you can use the tincture in hot drinks or foods so that the alcohol evaporates off before ingestion. .......

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://www.marijuana.com/news/2017/08/how-to-make-an-herbal-anti-anxiety-tincture-at-home/">https://www.marijuana.com/news/2017/08/how-to-make-an-herbal-anti-anxiety-tincture-at-home/</a>

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How to Make an Herbal Anti-Anxiety Tincture at Home - by Purple Power - 08-11-2017, 05:29 PM

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