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Down the wormhole of rescheduling Marijuana in the US,,,,,,
Pot Block! Trapped in the Marijuana Rescheduling Maze

One citizen-journalists journey into the drug war bureaucracy shows why previous efforts to reschedule pot have been DEAd on arrival.

Harmon Leon

October 30, 2013

Under the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 drug in America. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Cannabis sativa is as dangerous as heroin. (You know as in heroin!) To justify this ranking, the DEA has declared that the plant has absolutely no medical value. Zero. Nada. Zip. The federal government has determined that this position is backed by science.

Marijuanas current status as one of the most dangerous drugs in America became official in 1970, during the Nixon administration. (Putting matters in ludicrous perspective, cocaine and even Breaking Bad meth are Schedule II.) Every administration since then has treated marijuana as mad, bad and dangerous to know, with virtually no attempt made to reclassify it. And that list includes the current one.

Its a bit of an Alice in Wonderland scenario with the Obama administration, explains Kris Hermes of American for Safe Access (ASA). He made statements prior to being elected about changing the policy on marijuana, but in reality the opposite has happened.

Not only have there been more medical marijuana arrests during Obamas administration than the entire Bush regime, but even in states like California and Washington, theres been a steady rise in the number of people being raided even though theyre in full compliance with state law. The federal government has threatened landlords and financial institutions working with medical marijuana businesses; the IRS has been involved with audits; pro-pot lawmakers have been bullied; and veterans using marijuana for conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder have been denied medical benefits by the Veterans Administrationall because of marijuanas Schedule I status.

On the other hand, dropping pot down a notch to Schedule II (let alone III, IV or V, or removing it from the Controlled Substances Act completely) would be a big step in resolving the clash between state and federal law, since such a move would at least acknowledge marijuanas medical utility and allow doctors to legally prescribe it.

So what can be done to reschedule marijuana in a country where the drug czar is required by law to oppose any attempt to legalize the use of a Schedule I substancein any form?

Time to put on our citizen-journalists hat and go through the looking glass into the bizarre legal labyrinth of the rescheduling process. Kris Hermes warned that it wouldnt be easy: Bureaucrats shut down and refuse to talk when its convenient for them not to talk when it suits their purpose!

I Contact the DEA

Please follow the link below to find the maze they built,,,,,,and the journalists experience,,,,


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Down the wormhole of rescheduling Marijuana in the US,,,,,, - by xbrpete - 11-01-2013, 05:58 AM

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