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Why Marijuana Is Great To Use During A Cleanse
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Why Marijuana Is Great To Use During A Cleanse

Cleanses are all the rage. But are they compatible with pot?

<a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/richard/" title="Posts by Richard Faulk">Richard Faulk</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-02-09T12:00:46+00:00">Feb 09, 2018</time>

Improbably enough, yes, marijuana intoxication may be compatible with your detox.

Cleansing is one of those buzzwords that means everything and nothing. But, to the extent it has any medical meaning, cleansing implies purging yourself of free radicals, highly reactive molecules that cause oxidative stress on the body, which can weaken or even kill cells in such vital organs as the heart, lungs, and brain. Oxidative stress can impede the immune system and damage DNA. It may be responsible for some of the effects of aging and even cause cancer......



Messages In This Thread
Why Marijuana Is Great To Use During A Cleanse - by Purple Power - 02-09-2018, 09:18 AM

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