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How Endocannabinoids Limit Stress
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How Endocannabinoids Limit Stress

<time class="entry-date published" datetime="2018-05-10T12:51:39+00:00">05/10/2018</time> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="https://www.occnewspaper.com/author/professorofpot/" title="Professor of Pot">Professor of Pot</a></span>

Your two main endocannabinoids (anandamide and 2-AG) both limit the stress response. Here is the unique role that each one has in stress and anxiety.

Cannabis has been used for centuries for the treatment of stress. This clearly indicates a role for the regulation of stress by the endocannabinoid system (our bodys own system of cannabinoid ligands and the receptors they activate). In fact, we now know that a properly functioning endocannabinoid system is extremely important for dampening the effects of stress.

Consider this: mice that have their cannabinoid CB1 receptors genetically deleted can live just fine. They do not technically need their endocannabinoid system. These mice have some minor behavioral differences under normal conditions, including slightly increased anxiety behaviors. Not such a big deal. But when placed under stressful conditions, these mice have dramatically enhanced anxiety behaviors......



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How Endocannabinoids Limit Stress - by Purple Power - 05-11-2018, 09:26 AM

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