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Does Marijuana Improve Your Focus?
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Does Marijuana Improve Your Focus?

A growing amount of users use the plant to get stuff done.

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[Image: cropped-Untitled-150x150.png]

By: <a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/mike-adams/" title="Posts by Mike Adams">Mike Adams</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-04-26T00:00:21+00:00">Apr 25, 2018</time>


Marijuana was once associated with an overall lack of motivation, but a growing number of users now claim that smoking pot actually helps them buckle down and focus.

Its true. Some of the die-hard cannabis connoisseurs out there swear by the morning wake and bake ritual, as they just feel less productive in their daily grind without the assistance of a little weed. Although there is not any scientific proof to support this claim, there have been enough anecdotal cases to suggest that there is something to it.........



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