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Big Grin Thank you EDDIEKIRK & Cheri! for all your hard work over the years. Big Grin x

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How CBD Helped Control This Teenager’s ADHD And Tourette’s Syndrome
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How CBD Helped Control This Teenagers ADHD And Tourettes Syndrome

Roxanne Benton's son was struggling to cope with his symptoms.

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[Image: cropped-Untitled-150x150.png]

By: <a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/sarasomerset/" title="Posts by Sara Somerset">Sara Somerset</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-04-20T01:00:37+00:00">Apr 19, 2018</time>


Roxanne Benton has a store that sells tools and supplies to people in the aromatherapy industry. A few years ago when her teenage son Bevan was diagnosed with ADHD and Tourettes, she asked a dear friend what she would do in the same situation, and it just so happened she had some helpful essential oils on hand.

Fast forward a few years, Bevans Tourettes kicked in with a vengeance. The social pecking order of junior high is tough enough. Throw in ADHD and Tourettes and you have one unhappy, picked-on kid.......



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