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Cannabis And Coconut Oil: The Wellness Power Couple
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Cannabis And Coconut Oil: The Wellness Power Couple

Just the right amount of good fat to bring out the best in cannabis.

<a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/mary-schumacher/" title="Posts by Mary Schumacher">Mary Schumacher</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-04-07T12:00:53+00:00">Apr 07, 2018</time>

Twenty-nine states and several countries around the world have legalized medical marijuana for an array of ailments that have either scientifically or anecdotally been proven to be alleviated by cannabis. So. whether using it medically or recreationally, youre reaping benefits from the plant whether you like it or not. Enter coconut oil. This practically-perfect carrier oil is packed with its own set of goodness and goes with cannabis like two peas in a pod.

Before we go into the benefits of coconut oil, lets not forget that THC is fat soluble. That means that the more fat, the more potent and sure the concoction. Coconut oil is loaded with fat to carry the weed into your system, but on top of it all, it turns out to be a good fat, also with benefits. Research shows that this saturated fat can actually help to prevent heart attacks and strokes......



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