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Can You Treat Bipolar Disorder With Medical Marijuana?

Can You Treat Bipolar Disorder With Medical Marijuana?

Can you treat bipolar disorder with medical marijuana? Heres what the experts have to say.

April 7, 2018

Callie Barrons

Treating a psychiatric or personality disorder can be isolating and frustrating. The commonly prescribed medications on the market claim to level mood and help with impulse control. In the case of bipolar disorder, these mood-stabilizing medications aim to target the extreme highs of mania or the severe lows of depressions. Without medication, managing bipolar disorder can seem impossible like navigating a storm in a dense fog. But research on cannabis might offer brighter news for those dealing with it. Since medical weed has gained acceptance, it has played a critical role in managing other disorders, like borderline personality disorder. But what about when dealing with the teeter-totter of mania and depression seen in bipolar disorder? Its an important question for both doctors and bipolar patients when they decide on treatment. Can you treat bipolar disorder with medical marijuana?

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition that affects many. In fact, almost 2.6% of all Americans have bipolar disorder. And according to the National Institute of Health, that number keeps on getting higher.....



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