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Legal Marijuana States Have Lower Opioid Use
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<font size="4"><font color="ffffff"><b>Legal Marijuana States Have Lower Opioid Use</b></font></font>
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<font color="000000"><b>Posted by CN Staff on April 02, 2018 at 08:59:55 PT</b></font>
<font size="2"><b>By Tom Angell</b></font>

Source: Forbes

[Image: cannabisicon.gif] <font color="000000">USA -- Letting people legally access marijuana appears to reduce reliance on addictive opioids, two new studies published by the American Medical Association find.</font>

<font color="000000">"Medical cannabis laws are associated with significant reductions in opioid prescribing in the Medicare Part D population," concludes one paper from researchers at the University of Georgia, Athens. "This finding was particularly strong in states that permit dispensaries, and for reductions in hydrocodone and morphine prescriptions."</font>

<font color="000000">The second study, from scientists at the University of Kentucky and Emory University, noted that "marijuana is one of the potential nonopioid alternatives that can relieve pain at a relatively lower risk of addiction and virtually no risk of overdose." It found that laws allowing medical cannabis or recreational marijuana "have the potential to lower opioid prescribing for Medicaid enrollees, a high-risk population for chronic pain, opioid use disorder, and opioid overdose."....</font>




Could Medical Pot Help Curb the Opioid Abuse Crisis?

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<b>By Dennis Thompson</b>
<i>HealthDay Reporter</i>

MONDAY, April 2, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Medical marijuana could help quell the ongoing opioid epidemic, a pair of new studies contends.

Opioid prescriptions tend to decrease in U.S. states that adopt medical marijuana laws or legalize recreational use of pot, two different research teams have concluded.

The studies couldn't prove cause and effect. But one study found that opioids dispensed through Medicare's prescription drug plan decreased significantly if people had access to medical pot dispensaries or were allowed to grow marijuana for their own use....



New Research Suggests Legal Marijuana Could Curb The Opioid Epidemic

In two studies published Monday, researchers found states that legalized medical marijuana saw a decrease in opioid prescriptions.

ByBriana Koeneman

April 3, 2018

New research suggests medical marijuana could help alleviate the opioid epidemic.

Intwostudiespublished Monday, researchers discovered states with some type of legal marijuana saw a decrease in opioid prescriptions.

Researchers say this indicates patients might be using marijuana to manage their pain instead of opioids....


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Studies Link Legal Marijuana With Fewer Opioid Prescriptions

<a class="comments" href="https://www.marijuana.com/news/2018/04/studies-link-legal-marijuana-with-fewer-opioid-prescriptions/#comments">1</a>
By <span class="reviewer" itemprop="author">Associated Press </span> on <span class="dtreviewed"> <time class="value-datetime" datetime="2018-04-02T11:06:14+00:00" itemprop="datePublished"> April 2nd, 2018 </time></span>

By Malcolm Ritter
AP Science Writer

NEW YORK (AP) Can legalizing marijuana fight the problem of opioid addiction and fatal overdoses? Two new studies in the debate suggest it may.

Pot can relieve chronic pain in adults, so advocates for liberalizing marijuana laws have proposed it as a lower-risk alternative to opioids. But some research suggests marijuana may encourage opioid use, and so might make the epidemic worse.

The new studies dont directly assess the effect of legalizing marijuana on opioid addiction and overdose deaths. Instead, they find evidence that legalization may reduce the prescribing of opioids. Over-prescribing is considered a key factor in the opioid epidemic.....



Relationship between legal cannabis and opioid prescribing examined



More on the two new studies showing how marijuana can help fight the opioid epidemic

These findings further strengthen arguments in favor of considering medical applications of cannabis as one tool in the policy arsenal that can be used to diminish the harm of prescription opioids, the authors of one report concluded.

Apr 2, 2018

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By Christopher Ingraham, Washington Post

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Two studies published Monday in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine find that the availability of medical and recreational marijuana is linked to lower rates of opiate prescribing.

In the first study, Hefei Wen of the University of Kentucky and Jason Hockenberry of Emory University found that the passage of medical and recreational marijuana laws were followed by reductions in Medicaid opiate prescription rates of 5.88 percent and 6.38 percent, respectively.....




New Research Shows How Medical Marijuana Can Fight Opioid Crisis

Did you know that medical marijuana can fight opioid crisis? The new research confirms it

April 2, 2018

Burgess Powell

In states that have legalized medical marijuana, cannabis has proven to be an effective painkiller and opioid alternative. Not only can cannabis treat opioid addiction, but new research shows how medical marijuana can fight opioid crisis by curbing the number of opioid prescriptions. Here are the findings from two separate studies that reach the same conclusion.

The First Study: Medicaid Prescriptions

Two studies published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine link medical marijuana to a decrease in opioid use. The two studies look at opioid use for Medicaid and Medicare card holders, respectively. Both studies assume that opioid prescription is largely responsible for the opioid epidemic.

The first study compares Medicaid patients in states that have legalized marijuana, versus states without medical cannabis. They found that between 2011 and 2016, states with legal medical marijuana for pain relief had a 6 percent lower opioid prescription rate.

Additionally, states that have legalized recreational marijuana had an opioid prescription rate about 6 percent lower than those with medical marijuana....



Two New Studies Find Cannabis Reduces Opioid Prescriptions

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The Associated Press

April 2, 2018


Can legalizing cannabis fight the problem of opioid addiction and fatal overdoses? Two new studies in the debate suggest it may.

<p class="p21">
Cannabis can relieve chronic pain in adults, so advocates for liberalizing marijuana laws have proposed it as a lower-risk alternative to opioids. But some research suggests cannabis may encourage opioid use, and so might make the epidemic worse.

<p class="p21">
The new studies dont directly assess the effect of legalizing marijuana on opioid addiction and overdose deaths. Instead, they find evidence that legalization may reduce the prescribing of opioids. Over-prescribing is considered a key factor in the opioid epidemic....



Study: Opioid Use Lower In States With Medical Marijuana

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A new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association finds states with easy-to-access medical marijuana, like Oregon, are seeing less opioid usage than others.

Posted: Apr. 4, 2018 6:36 PM

Updated: Apr. 4, 2018 7:03 PM

Posted By: Emma Balkenbush

MEDFORD, Ore. -- A new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association finds states with easy-to-access medical marijuana, like Oregon, are seeing less opioid usage than others.

A Southern Oregon cannabis clinic agrees, but Oregon health officials say it's still too early to draw that kind of conclusion.

The study took data from medicaid to see how opioid usage has changed in states with legalized medical marijuana......



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