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Part 1, How Cannabis Relieves Different Types of Pain

Part 1, How Cannabis Relieves Different Types of Pain

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Josh Kaplan

March 28, 2018


Cannabis is known to relieve pain, but pain can arise for a variety of reasons which makes choosing the right cannabis product tricky. Knowing which cannabinoids (e.g. THC, CBD) have been shown to treat different pain types is useful information to take with you on your next dispensary visit.

The different types of pain fall into three general categories:

  • Nociceptive pain

  • Neuropathic pain

  • Central pain (theres no firm agreement on the name for this type of pain; fibromyalgia is a common example).

Since each type of pain has a different origin, each type has an optimal treatment strategy.....



Part 2, How Cannabis Enhances the Effects of Opioids

Pain is the number one reason people seek medical careand quite possibly medical cannabisand it affects more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. In the clinic, pain is often treated with opioid drugs like OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, and Fentanyl. This has traditionally been a first-line treatment approach because they workat first.

But opioid use has spiraled out of control and we find ourselves amidst an opioid epidemic that cost the U.S. $504 billion in 2015 alone, claims the lives of over 30,000 annually, and damages the quality of life of countless others. Clearly, we must do something to curb the growing opioid epidemic, but unfortunately, it appears that the federal government is ignoring one of its strongest solutions: cannabis....



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