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Fibromyalgia And Alternative Treatments
OK so I found out more specifics about juicing. I guess they used a strain of cannatonic. I have to get mine tested. It is not the same strain as yours (EQ) it is different so I need to get it tested. I am hoping that skunk pharm research will test my strain when they're ready. I also have a most excellent juicer for wheat grass and it works great!

So you need 15 leaves out of flower after 65 days(prefer 70) and mix with carrot juice 1 part to 10(carrots) and 2 large buds 2-4" drink 3 times a day and it needs to be fresh or fresh frozen. I hear it feels like you are on caffeine and energizes you.

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Fibromyalgia And Alternative Treatments - by mednurse - 03-01-2013, 09:46 PM

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