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Smile Welcome members and clients of OMMP PIF. Due to increased costs, our website has moved to this server,  Thanks go to our Friend and colleague, Wired57, for making this possible.  If you have any questions or concerns, please start a new topic in  Arrow  General, and we'll look right into it.  Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile x

Big Grin Thank you EDDIEKIRK & Cheri! for all your hard work over the years. Big Grin x

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THCA and CBDA Crystalline: Cannabinoids at Their Purest

THCA and CBDA Crystalline: Cannabinoids at Their Purest

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Patrick Bennett

March 22, 2018


Purity and potency are driving forces in the cannabis concentrates market. Chemists and engineers conducting research and development in this field have been hard at work creating concoctions that consistently push the boundaries of what can be done with cannabis extractions and isolations.

One question more curious extract consumers ask is this: Can pure cannabinoids be isolated and packaged for consumption? Yes, they can. Extractors are now delivering a crystal-like isolate product composed of THCA and CBDA that is often referred to as crystalline......



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