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Can You Get High From Eating Raw Weed?

Can You Get High From Eating Raw Weed?

If you love edibles, you may have been wondering: can you get high from eating raw weed? If not, are there any benefits to it at all?

March 22, 2018

Nick Lindsey

Can you get high from eating raw weed? Theres nothing new about the concept of eating cannabis instead of smoking it. In fact, edibles are one of the most popular ways to consume weed, and they now make up a huge portion of the legal weed industry. But as anyone whos ever taken an edible knows, when you eat cannabis youre not actually eating raw bud. But if you did, what would happen? Can you get high from eating raw weed? Heres everything you need to know about eating raw cannabis.

Will Raw Weed Get You High?

If you were hoping to get high after eating some raw flower, youre in for a disappointment. Raw weed will not get you high. To understand why, you have to be familiar with a little bit of cannabis chemistry.

Cannabis is full of naturally-occurring chemicals called cannabinoids. When you consume and metabolize weed, these compounds enter your body and interact with your bodys endocannabinoid system.

These interactions trigger all sorts of activity and changes in your body, affecting things like mood, appetite, sleep, pain perceptionand much more.....



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