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A Little Bit Of Cannabis Can Ease That Tension Headache
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A Little Bit Of Cannabis Can Ease That Tension Headache

Weed is key to managing the pain.

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By: <a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/mary-schumacher/" title="Posts by Mary Schumacher">Mary Schumacher</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-03-20T00:00:55+00:00">Mar 19, 2018</time>


There are a lot of types of headaches to be had, from the headache you got when your boss asked you to come in on Saturday to the throbbing head crunchers to horrific cluster headaches. Many will have heard of micro-dosing on LSD for the latter, but if its a tension headache youre dealing with, cannabis can be key in easing your pain.

As the name implies, tension headaches are caused by just that, tension. They can arise from stressful experiences that leave a lasting impact, a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (Not the book itself, of course!) or any sort of situation that has your neck and shoulders bunched up and tense for a long enough time to affect your headspace.

Cannabis Indica is a known stress reliever and has centuries of documented use as a tension reliever. From easing tension at home or especially in the bedroom, marijuana works wonders. It doesnt just mask the pain so that your headache seeps back into existence, it permeates your cannabinoid system and gets rid of stress and negativity that likely led to the headache to begin with......



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