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Runners Are Using Weed to Make Long Runs Less Miserable

Runners Are Using Weed to Make Long Runs Less Miserable

Running while stoned is therapeutic. It helps me concentrate on the small movements of my body."

<p class="contributor__names--list m-b-0-xs contributor-short-form">
<a class="contributor__link hed-xs" href="https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/contributor/mike-darling" title="Mike Darling">Mike Darling</a>

Mar 8 2018

In 2013, Carolyn Ford* began to use marijuana to complement her distance running regimen. Ford, a 28-year-old public relations professional who lives in New York City, had just begun training for her first 100-mile ultramarathon, and found that the time spent on her feet was monotonous and uncomfortable. A typical training session could last as long as four or five hours, two days in a row. Weed, she thought, just might make the sessions more bearable.

I would put on all of my running clothes, she says, and at the door I would take 3 or 4 gravity bong hits and then immediately start the run. A self-described anxious competitor, Ford also says she had trouble processing food while runninga necessity when burning thousands of calories over the course of a single workout. In addition to calming her nerves, she says, cannabis gave her the appetite she needed to adequately fuel......



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