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As Opioid Crisis Worsens, It’s Time To Consider Cannabis As A Treatment
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As Opioid Crisis Worsens, Its Time To Consider Cannabis As A Treatment

Dr. Green: Let's rethink marijuana's role in helping those addicted to pain medication.

<a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/thomasgreen/" title="Posts by Thomas Green, MD">Thomas Green, MD</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-03-12T13:00:11+00:00">Mar 12, 2018</time>

We have an opioid emergencyin the United States.Not all can see this firsthand, but it is here, damaging individuals, families and our economy. Although it is not directly seen by all, we have paid as a nation $50 billion annually.

The presidents 2018 fiscal request for drug control efforts was$27.8 billion.Just think about how we could have spent that moneydifferently: improving our schools, highways and infrastructure or even, God forbid, lowering our taxes.

Iam appreciativethe time and effort spent by ourofour politicians andlawmakersworkingdiligentlytowards a solution.I am more inclined to congratulate ourselves when we have made significant inroads in the successful treatment ofa large population of people rather thancongratulating ourselves fordiscussing the problem and making recommendations about how others should do the work in the trenches of treatment.Self-congratulation for showing up for work without completing the task rather reminds me of kids getting trophies for showing up for a team that does not win.....



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