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Could Cannabis Replace Traditional Labor Medications?

Could Cannabis Replace Traditional Labor Medications?

Could cannabis replace traditional labor medications for a less painful childbirth experience?

March 10, 2018

Callie Barrons

Everyone is quick to celebrate the miracle of childbirth. But sometimes it can cause pain bringing another human into this world. Doctors in hospitals currently give mothers drugs for a successful labor with less pain. But these medications come with their own set of risks for the baby and the mother. Medical marijuana has been shown to work well to help with many conditions and procedures. So doctors and expectant mothers both continue to wonder, could cannabis replace traditional labor medications?

Traditional Labor Medications

Some expectant mothers prefer to experience the miracle of life without the help of drugs. But many do seek pain relief or help. And doctors are quick to provide medications.

Pitocin is a long-established drug given during labor. It is a synthetic form of oxytocin, a hormone that encourages feelings of bonding.

Also, it causes uterine contractions.

To put it bluntly, Pitocin is given to get the party started.

But this drug comes with some downsides. Patients may respond to the drug strongly. They may even develop stronger contractions than the baby can handle. These contractions can be powerful enough to harm the baby and restrict its air flow.

Not to mention, the drug can deliver contractions so strong, it can tear the uterus too......



Are there any women willing to try this?


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