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Drug Rehabilitation and Cannabidiol
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Drug Rehabilitation and Cannabidiol

<time class="entry-date published" datetime="2018-03-08T11:54:19+00:00">03/08/2018</time> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="https://www.occnewspaper.com/author/occ-staff/" title="OCC Staff">OCC Staff</a></span>

By Allan Frankel, M.D.

Over the years, I have been surprised by how many patients with chronic pain using opiates have very little difficulty getting off their narcotics when we incorporatecannabis therapies. It is true that many of these patients are not necessarily drug-seeking, but many may also be sticking with opiates to help with their mood disorders, mainly depression.

Depression in our country is very widespread and if a patient is given a drug to help with pain or mood disorders, sometimes the drug almost works too well. It does not take long for the patient to begin craving the narcotic or other drug. The patientslevel of demand for the drug increases fairly quickly and separate addiction mechanisms and cravings take over......



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