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Could Smoking Weed Cause Apathy?

Could Smoking Weed Cause Apathy?

Could smoking weed cause apathy from lowered dopamine levels?

March 7, 2018

Nick Lindsey

No matter how much we learn about cannabis, it seems that conversations about weed are always full of stereotypes. One of the classic stereotypes is the lazy, unmotivated, and apathetic stoner. But is this image accurate, or is it just another myth? Could smoking weed cause apathy, or is that just hyperbole? Heres what the research says.

Cannabis and Dopamine Levels

Most of the research that suggests smoking weed could cause apathy has to do with how weed affects certain brain functions. In particular, how our brains produce and respond to dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that triggers pleasurable sensations in your brain. As it turns out, a couple studies suggest that smoking weed may affect the way your brain responds to dopamine....



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