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Big Grin Thank you EDDIEKIRK & Cheri! for all your hard work over the years. Big Grin x

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How Marijuana Can Help With The Pain From Endometriosis
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How Marijuana Can Help With The Pain From Endometriosis

Can cannabis deliver on its promise to clamp down on uterine migration?

<a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/richard/" title="Posts by Richard Faulk">Richard Faulk</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-02-16T12:00:00+00:00">Feb 16, 2018</time>

One of the more bizarre, and bizarrely long-lived, diagnoses of ancient Greek medicine was an imagined malady called the wandering wombwhich is exactly what the name implies: a footloose uterus that bonks into surrounding organs, causing myriad ailments, including weakness (that is to say, even greater weakness than ordinary affects women), dizziness, death, and madness.

Its the madness part that lingered the longest. Even until the end of the 19th century, when doctors had known for generations that internal organs dont just get up and leave on their own, it was still a given that a dysfunctional womb could cause any number of emotional illnesses. Hence the synonym for insanity, hysteria, from hystera, the Greek word for uterus....



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