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Is a Cannabis Treatment for HIV Possible?

Is a Cannabis Treatment for HIV Possible?

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Jessica Leone


<time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2018-01-29T10:46:50+00:00">January 29, 2018</time>

While the occurrence of HIV and AIDS has been reduced significantly over the last 10 years, it is still a condition that affects thousands of people across the country. Cannabis has been used as an effective treatment for these disorders for the last couple of decades due to its ability to reduce the side effects from HIV and AIDS medication. However, as more studies are done, the plant has revealed itself to be an even more powerful ally for those suffering from this disease. It appears that not only can the plant help to manage symptoms but it may also work towards preventing HIV from becoming AIDS as well as the mental deterioration that many patients experience over time.

The Danger of Opportunistic Infections

HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus functions by attacking the immune system. It kills the white blood cells that protect the health of the body. As a result, opportunistic infections such as cancer, pneumonia, meningitis and tuberculosis may develop and without a healthy immune system fighting these infections off, a lot of physical damage may occur. There is also a risk that HIV will develop into AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which opens the body up to additional infections and a low CD4 T-cell count.......



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