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‘The Doctors’ Ask: Why Are So Many Seniors Are Using Marijuana?

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The Doctors Ask: Why Are So Many Seniors Are Using Marijuana?

For doctors and patients, marijuana should be considered 'just another tool in the toolbox.'



<a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/terryhacienda/" title="Posts by Terry Hacienda">Terry Hacienda</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-01-24T14:00:14+00:00">Jan 24, 2018</time>

Tuesdays episode of the daytime talk show The Doctors examined the skyrocketing use of senior citizens turning to cannabis for medicinal purposes. Producer Leslie Marcus traveled to one of the biggest retirement communities in the nation, where she met a group of seniors who say they arenow choosing marijuana instead of prescriptionmeds.

Marcus talks with seniors who say cannabis hasbeen a big helpfor ailments such asParkinsons, back pain, leg pain, sleeping issues, teeth grinding, anxiety, and depression.......



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