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Research Deep Dive: Little-Known Health Effects Of Medical Marijuana
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Research Deep Dive: Little-Known Health Effects Of Medical Marijuana

A deep dive into what research tells us ... and what questions remain to be answered.

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<a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/davidtrilling/" title="Posts by David Trilling">David Trilling</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-01-15T22:00:25+00:00">Jan 15, 2018</time>

As marijuana use becomes ever more socially and legally acceptable in the developed world, researchers are scrambling to understand how the plant more<a data-wpel-link="external" href="http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02230.x/full" target="_blank" title="potent">potent</a>today than ever before impacts our health. Marijuana is now legal in<a data-wpel-link="external" href="http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/state-medical-marijuana-laws.aspx" target="_blank" title="28 U.S. states">28 U.S. states</a>for medical use and in<a data-wpel-link="external" href="http://www.ncsl.org/research/civil-and-criminal-justice/marijuana-overview.aspx" target="_blank" title="eight">eight</a>for recreation. But the policy has far outpaced science, with almost every clinical study calling for a further inquiry and many researchers complaining their work is stymied by federal regulations, which still treat cannabis as an illegal substance.

Judging by the available research, ample evidence exists to say that marijuana can treat pain, nausea and multiple sclerosis. It can harm lungs and the developing adolescent brain. Under certain circumstances, it can be addictive and increase the likelihood of auto accidents, low birth weight and, in cases of heavy use, schizophrenia.

The open questions about marijuana and its derivatives are far more numerous. How do benefits balance against side effects? How well can these substances treat seizures? How exactly do they affect the brain? How dangerous are the barely regulated chemicals used in processing weed for commercial use, like butane, pesticides, and food additives? What other regulatory loopholes could lead to dangerous effects on consumers?.....



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