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Microdosing Marijuana: What Doctors Say Is The Best Way To Consume
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Microdosing Marijuana: What Doctors Say Is The Best Way To Consume

What is microdosing and why is it better?

<a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/mike-adams/" title="Posts by Mike Adams">Mike Adams</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2018-01-03T21:00:30+00:00">Jan 03, 2018</time>

There are those cannabis connoisseurs who enjoy getting super stoned at the end of a long day at the office, while others are now embracing an emerging trend called microdosing, a procedure that allows the user to moderate their mind by taking small doses throughout the day.

The concept of microdosing is simple: instead of consuming enough THC to join the land of catatonia, the user leans on somewhere between 3 to 10 milligrams to feel some effect without entering into a realm of laughing fits, paranoia and ravenous hunger. It is increasingly popular practice that Rolling Stone calls Marijuana 2.0, an idea that less is actually more when it comes to using cannabis for its therapeutic and creativity-inducing benefits....



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