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Is Medical Marijuana An Autism Wonder Drug?
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Is Medical Marijuana An Autism Wonder Drug?

While symptoms of autism arise in different levels of severity on a case-by-case basis, all autism patients suffer from learning and speech disabilities.

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By: <a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/kent-gruetzmacher/" title="Posts by Kent Gruetzmacher">Kent Gruetzmacher</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2017-12-22T12:00:08+00:00">Dec 22, 2017</time>


Autism is a developmental disorder that leaves subjects mentality and physically debilitated for life. While symptoms of autism arise in different levels of severity on a case-by-case basis, all autism patients suffer from learning and speech disabilities. These learning and speech incapacities are further manifested in more specified impairments such as social awkwardness, lessened motor skills, and overtly extreme fixations. While scientists are still unable to pinpoint the exact cause of autism, most are in agreement that the disorder has some genetic, hereditary ties. Currently, there is no known cure for autism and doctors are still in need of a suitable aid for severe autistic symptoms/outbursts.

Autistic Outbursts And Pharmaceuticals

How autism presents itself in patients differs considerably in each instance, with the most drastic cases gaining attention of the medical marijuana community. Patients whom suffer the most are those with severe autismthis level of the disease is accentuated by radical, forceful autistic outbursts. Severe autistic outbursts can be so intense as to completely inhibit the social and professional activities of an autistic childs family. As a result, for parents with children that suffer from severe autism, finding a suitable medicine to curb these outbursts is essential. The approaches of mainstream, western medicine to treating autism include some anti-psychotic pharmaceuticals as well as the use of Ritalin, Focalin, and Rispederal. All of these medications are wrought with debilitating side effects. In the most extreme cases, autistic patients have died from malnutrition as their prescription meds totally incapacitated their appetites......



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