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Can Marijuana Help Lower Blood Pressure?
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Can Marijuana Help Lower Blood Pressure?

Looks like it works better than most current treatments.

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By: <a class="author url fn" href="https://thefreshtoast.com/author/kent-gruetzmacher/" title="Posts by Kent Gruetzmacher">Kent Gruetzmacher</a>

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<time class="entry__date" datetime="2017-11-15T12:00:38+00:00">Nov 15, 2017</time>


During the late 70s a study by J.C. Merritt detailed the relationship between blood pressure and marijuana, and how the plant can help those with elevated levels, especially patients who are hypertensive. The study explained that the cannabis component Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol was able to lower blood pressure in subjects and it consistently made them feel better within 3.5 hours of use.

Studies during the 90s were lacking due to the federal strict guidelines regarding studying cannabis and its properties, leading to an abandonment of a promising experiment that would have benefited a large portion of the population. These strict federal guidelines have affected recent researches as well, most recently in 2013......



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