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Medicinal Cannabis May Improve Brain Functionality per Study

Medicinal Cannabis May Improve Brain Functionality per Study

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By Jessica Leone


<time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2017-11-07T07:32:00+00:00">November 7, 2017</time>

For the longest time, we have been fed ideas about pot smokers being forgetful and generally lacking initiative and intelligence. Prohibition propaganda and weed focused movies and characters have portrayed smokers as dopey but studies now suggest that this isnt the case at all. There are multiple studies that have explored the effects of cannabis on the cognitive functions in humans and the results have been very interesting and exciting. It would appear that medicinal cannabis actually improves cognitive function which is our ability to learn and act on what we know with clarity. It also relates to memory. The ramifications of this are quite profound as it indicates that the plant may be able to reverse many of the effects of aging along with degenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimers.....



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