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Big Grin Thank you EDDIEKIRK & Cheri! for all your hard work over the years. Big Grin x

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This Might Be The Best New Way To Treat Pain, Insomnia, And Anxiety

This Might Be The Best New Way To Treat Pain, Insomnia, And Anxiety

Or is it too good to be true?

<section class="info "><span class="byline-role">By <a datatype="" href="https://www.womenshealthmag.com/author/andrea-bartz" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel" typeof="skos:Concept">Andrea Bartz</a> </span> <span content="2017-10-02T12:52:09-04:00" datatype="xsd:dateTime" property="dc:date dc:created">October 4, 2017</span>

It sounds like a stonery thought: Less is actually more, man. But that's precisely what docs who prescribe medical marijuana have discovered. Many of their patients had better resultsfor example, less nausea from chemo drugswith low doses than with high ones. As the word has spread, people in legal states30 of 'em and the District of Columbia now allow cannabis either for medical or recreational usehave begun "microdosing," as it's called. Often via edibles, they're turning to pot for all kinds of health reasons, from easing chronic pain, anxiety, and depression to soothing migraines, gut problems, and PMS. Others nibble medicated goodies to nix insomnia or boost focus or creativity so they can crank out a major work project.

Pot for work? It sounds far-fetched, but experts say microdosing for other than severe medical problems has some merit. THCthe chemical responsible for......



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