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Marijuana for Nerve Pain Offers Hope for Neuropathy Sufferers

Marijuana for Nerve Pain Offers Hope for Neuropathy Sufferers

<div class="td-author-by">

Jessica Leone



<time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2017-09-19T09:57:26+00:00">September 19, 2017</time>

Medical marijuana has been found to be effective in treating a whole host of conditions and disorders. In fact, as scientists continue to investigate the plant, more medicinal uses are being found. One of the conditions medical marijuana is found to be useful for is neuropathy. Neuropathy is a disorder of the nervous system that most often affects patients with diabetes. It might be caused by a number of factors though including injury, infections, alcoholism, traumatic injuries, autoimmune diseases, medications, infections, tumors, and inherited disorders. In any case, the nerves are damaged and pain is the result. According to several studies, medical marijuana is very effective for treating the condition, regardless of its cause, and many are now using marijuana for nerve pain.

An Overview of Neuropathy

Neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, affects almost 20 million people in the U.S. today. It occurs when the sensory, motor or autonomic nerves become damaged in some way resulting in extreme pain. Each kind of nerve affects the body in a different way.....



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