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Marijuana for Insomnia Offers a Diversity of Relief
Marijuana for Insomnia Offers a Diversity of Relief

By <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://www.marijuanaresources.com/author/jessica-leone/">Jessica Leone</a> -
May 3, 2017

Many people are aware of the connection between marijuana and sleep. If youve ever smoked, youve probably encountered strains that make you sleepy or give you a better quality sleep. There are many people around the country who suffer from insomnia, which manifests itself as either the inability to fall asleep or the inability to stay asleep for a full night. The inability to fall asleep can interfere with work, relationships and health in general. Marijuana can help people get to sleep a lot faster and stay asleep. This is why so many people are in the habit of using marijuana for insomnia. The fact that there is a plant that will help you get to sleep is a godsend for those who have suffered through a night of restless anxiety that is produced by having insomnia.

The Preference for High Indica Strains

The first thing to understand though, when using the plant to treat this disorder is that the right strain for sleep will go a long way. Sativa strains are usually high in THC, the psychoactive compound that makes you feel high. These strains tend to be uplifting and good for stimulating creativity and inspiration......

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://www.marijuanaresources.com/marijuana-for-insomnia-offers-a-diversity-of-relief/">http://www.marijuanaresources.com/marijuana-for-insomnia-offers-a-diversity-of-relief/</a>

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