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How Marijuana Could Help Migraine Sufferers

Migraines are hellish. Once I didn't get them then my abusive ex slammed me against a exterior wall injuring my back. This gave birth to many medical problems: PTSD, chronic pain//fibro, muscle spams, and migraines......that never stopped.

My neck didn't get stiff with a migraine until a car wreck. A dumb kid skipping class ran a red light, t-boned my car (totaled), and broke C2. C2 is the 2nd vertebra to the skull. It's connected with C1 which is attacked to the skull. Together these two allow you to look up, down and side to side. The ER missed it and for the next 6 weeks the migraine that was under control with cannabis shackled me in agonizing pain. I mentioned the wreck and pain to my dentist, who took 2 x-rays. He looked at them and said do you want the good news...or bad news first? I said good news. He said, " It's healing correctly." Ok, I said, What's the bad news? He pointed to the x-rays and explained how C2 was fractured from front to back on one side. He said it's amazing how well it's healed without you in a neck brace. We need to call your pcp now.
My doctor put me in a soft neck brace, and the pressure at the base of my skull and neck reduced, the pain eased. Cannabis unlocked that shackle as I healed.

I get migraines a few times a months. They can be from weather, I slept wrong or did something stupid (did something I know will hurt me).

My neck will now stiffen, then I get the aura (oddly enough usually in 1 eye) then the pain starts to build. So what do I do to get rid of them? For immediate relief, I smoke some cannabis. The strains Purple Erkle and GDP work the best for me, but I'm unable to find these clones. Then I use a cannabis salve I made with infused essential oils of Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree, and Eucalyptus.
I put it on my neck, temple and forehead then lay down for a hour or two. The migraine normally fades away before an hour. When I get up, the migraine is gone.


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How Marijuana Could Help Migraine Sufferers - by Purple Power - 06-07-2018, 10:09 AM

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