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How Marijuana Could Help Migraine Sufferers

I suffer from migraines. I take regular medications for this . Trokendi , I have Immitrex injection, pill form and nasal spray. I have had them now consistently 5 plus years . I only get them on my left Temple of my head. I get all the symptoms, light sensitivity, nausea, sensitivity to smells , etc . I wake up with them or I get them early morning like 2 -3 am. I have to rest them at that time . I have not tried any salve on my temple, I do rub my temples , lay on that side of my head to try avoid the pain its causing. Medicating has always helped when its the right meds . Lately I feel more like I am being given toxins than something that is medicine .


Messages In This Thread
How Marijuana Could Help Migraine Sufferers - by BCandyQueen - 07-30-2019, 11:07 PM

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