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Marijuana Over Viagra: Study Suggests Weed is Aphrodisiac AND Sexual Dysfunction Remedy
Marijuana Over Viagra: Study Suggests Weed is Aphrodisiac AND Sexual Dysfunction Remedy
<p class="">By <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://hightimes.com/author/chrisroberts/" title="Posts by Chris Roberts">Chris Roberts</a> December 30, 2016

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<p class="">On top of making life difficult for people of color and making cartels and crooks filthy rich, marijuana prohibition has stymied scientific research.

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<p class="">This has had long-term negative consequences were still struggling to overcome. Were unsure of the long-term effects of THC on the body and the brain. We dont have a solid idea how to test for marijuana intoxication. Worse of all, worldwide marijuana prohibition interrupted vital work dating from the 1970s and 1980s where researchers examined marijuanas value as a love aid.

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<p class="">Luckily for humanity, researchers from several European research universities <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27884725"><span>recently dug out these dusty, presumably hairy tomes</a>. <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://www.civilized.life/articles/aphrodisiac-evidence-is-mounting/">And as Business Insider first reported</a>, they found that marijuana was more valuable for the unlucky in love than Spanish fly (and less disgusting, <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://io9.gizmodo.com/5983275/why-spanish-fly-only-works-on-men--and-is-deadly">deadly</a>and borderline rape-y).</span>

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<p class="">In roughly half the reported cases, people who used cannabis prior to getting down reported aphrodisiac effects, the study found, creating arousal when before there was only a cold emptiness. And 70 percent of pre-sex stoners said they experienced enhancement in pleasure and satisfaction.

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<p class="">But only if they didnt smoke too much.

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<p class="">For instance, one study from 1974 found that a single joint was arousing, but more than that made sexual satisfaction more challenging.

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<p class="">Or maybe its not smoking enough?

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<p class="">A sizable 1970 study into the subject conducted by Erich Goodecome on; did he have a prior career as a pool boy?found that 50 joints over a six-month period was good, but a joint-a-week habit led to a dramatic decrease in sexually enhancing effects, according to reports. (It doesnt appear that they consulted Mr. X, <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://marijuana-uses.com/mr-x/"><span>the pseudonym famous astronomer Carl Sagan used when extolling marijuanas many benefits</a>, including its value as a sensual aid.)</span>

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<p class="">How valuable is any of this research today? The short answer is, not very.

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These are the days of powerful and potent cannabis,....

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://hightimes.com/news/marijuana-over-viagra-study-suggests-weed-is-aphrodisiac-and-sexual-dysfunction-remedy/">http://hightimes.com/news/marijuana-over-viagra-study-suggests-weed-is-aphrodisiac-and-sexual-dysfunction-remedy/</a>


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