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Using Cannabis Oil to Quell Anxiety, Stress and Panic Disorders
Using Cannabis Oil to Quell Anxiety, Stress and Panic Disorders<span><a class="" href="https://www.southerncannabis.org/author/alanawhitneyarmstronggmail-com/" title="Alana Armstrong">Alana Armstrong</a></span>
Published December 19, 2016

Anxiety has a bad reputation in a society that champions strength, outgoingness, and resolute decision-makers. But what we dont easily see from anxiety are all the ways in which it is helpful.

Anxiety is a mechanism of the body that helps us stay in-tune with potential dangers that could affect our lives, jobs, relationships, and health. When those anxiety-producing Spidey senses get out of whacksay, from an intensely traumatic event or many small eventsthose heart-pounding, mind-racing moments can infiltrate life at inappropriate times. It can feel like being the one person whos scared to death on an airplane of hundreds of passengers. If you were really in danger, you would see a lot more people around you with the same reaction, but since youre the only one gripping the armrests with whitened knuckles you feel a sense of loneliness and isolation on top of the anxiety.

For anxiety sufferers, moments like that can pop up at just about any time of the day or night, triggered by sensations much more benign than air travel.
Cannabis oil for anxiety

The relationship between cannabis and anxiety is a complex one.

Just as anxiety presents in several different forms, potentially brought on by any number of traumatic events in life, the treatment can vary as much as the diagnosis. And there is no definitive cure but treatment is possible.

Dont think anxiety is enough of a disorder to require medication by cannabis oil? Stress killsno hyperbole! Anxiety-related disorders affect a huge segment of the American public and many different drugs have been created to meet the demand,.........

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://www.southerncannabis.org/medical-marijuana/using-cannabis-oil-quell-anxiety/">https://www.southerncannabis.org/medical-marijuana/using-cannabis-oil-quell-anxiety/</a>


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