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Can Cannabis Really Kill Cancer Cells?
Can Cannabis Really Kill Cancer Cells?By SarahP16 December 1st, 2016

There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Not all forms of cancer are terminal, but all wreak havoc on the body especially during treatment of the disease. Cannabis has been used in Western medicine for centuries to treat inflammation, spasms, seizures and pain disorders. Can cannabis really kill cancer cells?

This article is going to take an in-depth look at the effects that cannabis has on cancer cells and answer the question of can cannabis really kill cancer cells?


Cannabinoids (CBD) are commonly used to treat inflammation and pain. CBD strains are also ideal for treating nausea, in some cases, and seizure reduction/cessation. These are low-THC containing strains of marijuana that provide no psychological effects. The National Cancer Institute has included a <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/patient/cannabis-pdq/#link/_13">Cannabis FAQ section</a> that explains the history of cannabis for medicinal purposes, including information regarding the beginnings of cannabis prohibition.

Cannabinoid effects on the body have been studied, with results showing that some brain and nerve cells have been found in cannabinoid receptors. This information suggests that cannabinoids potentially aid the immune system.

In some parts of the world, such as Canada, cannabis extracts like delta-9-THC and CBD are combined to create medications to treat pain.

<b>Animal Study Findings</b>

Animal studies have been conducted to determine the effect of cannabis on tumor growth and tumor cells. Most of these studies were conducted on mice. It was found, in one study, that colon inflammation reduction was noticed when cannabinoids were present. This can reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Cannabinoids, a compound of cannabis, have been found to protect normal cells while attacking and killing cancer cells. When the blood flow is restricted to cancer cells, they become malnourished, so growth is either stunted or completely stopped. Tumor growth was noticeably decreased or stopped when cannabis was used to treat tumors.

Liver cancer reacts well to cannabis. Delta-9-THC was shown to kill cancer cells in liver cancer. It is also shown to kill cells in breast cancer cases and non-small cell lung cancer cases. For the purpose of determining the effects on breast cancer alone, CBDs were found to have a very small effect on normal breast cells, but caused cancer cell death in affected cells.

<b>Chemotherapy Aid</b>

Using CBD and other cannabis products while undergoing chemotherapy treatments can help your body accept the chemotherapy medications better, and can help prevent/relieve nausea following treatment. The ability of cannabidiol to help increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy often shows promising prognoses of remission or curing of cancer.

<b>Cancer Cell Death</b>

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/279571.php">Doctor Peter McCormick, from the UEA School of Pharmacy</a> said, THC, the major active component of marijuana, has anti-cancer properties. This compound is known to act through a specific family of cell receptors called cannabinoid receptors.

Studies to determine the main receptor responsible for anti-tumor effects have not been conducted to date. If these receptors were able to be identified, developing treatments to directly target tumor cells and stop growth/kill detrimental cells can advance.

The U.S. Department of Health National Cancer Institute has provided statements substantiating that delta-9-THC and CBDs are <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://www.politicususa.com/2015/08/23/u-s-governments-department-health-finally-admits-marijuana-kills-cancer.html">useful in treating cancer and its side effects</a> by smoking, eating in a baked product, drinking herbal teas, or even spraying it under the tongue.

What happens when cannabis oil is injected right into cancer cells? The video below is a display of how cancer cells react to the introduction of cannabis oil.

<b>Receptor Binding</b>

Receptors in the body, cannabinoid receptors, bind together to control and regulate multiple body functions. Once CBD is introduced to the body and <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://www.greenrushdaily.com/2016/04/04/cannabis-kills-cancer-cells/">binds with receptors</a>, a conversation inside your body begins. The receptors communicate with the cancer cells, bind to them and essentially kill some types of cancer cells.

<b>Cannabis Kills Some Types of Cancer</b>

Cannabis has 21 known compounds, identified as cannabinoids. When CBDs enter the body, they work with the central nervous system and immune system to help kill negative cells (cancer cells) that affect the body in a detrimental way. The change, classified as a <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="http://herb.co/2015/10/02/cancer-institute-finally-admits-marijuana-kills-cancer/">biochemical change</a>, allows CBDs to manipulate the cancer cell and stop blood vessel formation.

<b>Study Results</b>

Several studies, conducted on animals, show that THC, CBD, CBN, THCV and other compounds in cannabis have anti-tumor effects.........

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="https://leafist.com/news/2016/12/01/can-cannabis-really-kill-cancer-cells">https://leafist.com/news/2016/12/01/can-cannabis-really-kill-cancer-cells</a>

This would be the answer to our prayers . This is so overwhelming looking for a cure . My heart is breaking but I will not quit .

Thank youSarahP16 for giving us hope.

I watched as Alcohol Tincture that I gave my late cat Simba, shirk the mouth tumor he had. Just a drop or 2 on the tumor. I just woke and on my 1st cup of coffee and forgetting the name, but the type of cancer Simba had kills the cat in weeks; Simba lived for 8-9 months. Simba's new vet (the old vet was fired for multiple misdiagnoses and not listening, really how could it be a bad molar when that vet removed all of them years before?) knew and watched in amazement as the tumor went from so big in the back of Simba mouth, he couldn't close his mouth, had to be spoon fed( I used a baby spoon and fed him baby food meat flavors, I'd also put a little medicine in it), he couldn't keep his tongue in his mouth, the tumor was also putting pressure on 1 of his eyes giving it a bulging look...to it shrank so Simba could eat normally again, he didn't stick his tongue out anymore, his eyes were normal and could do normal cat activities like bathing. He was back to the loving purring cat that loved a good belly rub, play fetch or go on a walk on a leash.

Simba gave up after surgery failed. He seemed to understand the bad news the vet was telling me in tears. The tumor started in a cluster of nerves and blood vessels, and it couldn't be removed without killing my beloved cat. Cannabis didn't fail my cat, our medical did. Simba was 13, the youngest cat I've lost. With every pet I take in/save, I promise them if something happens that I can't fix, I'll put them down in peace. I just love them too much to watch them to be in so much pain. Simba gave me that look that I hate seeing cause it says please let me go to rainbow bridge. When we were at the vet's waiting for Simba to get his shot, Simba jumped up on my lap and gave me a hug and a lick on my check as if say thank you. Thank you for saving me all though years ago, giving me a will loved life, and letting me go.

The 1st patient I grew for had cancer. Back then we didn't know of the cancer fighting properties of cannabis. She lived and gracious thanked me for growing for her and doing so free of charge after she beat it.

When my mom got cancer (2nd time) I tried to convince her to give cannabis a try, but she wouldn't. She was too afraid of the feds. chemo and radiation failed and she opted for experimental treatments. I think it was doing more harm then good.

It made her body fill with fluids making it hard to breathe or the her heart to beat, she'd have to go to the hospital to be drained. Each time she had this done, she was at risk for a heart attack or stroke . As for the cancer, it continued to spread eventually making it to her brain . When that happened it destroyed her memories. She didn't know when the phone rang what it meant. She didn't remember me or my siblings, her grandchildren, my dad, or even her dad (that broke his heart). I wish my mom listened to me and gave cannabis a try. I think she'd still be here vs dying at 64.

I hope your friend beats cancer


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