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Medical Cannabis Treatment for Autism to Begin Clinical Trials

Medical Cannabis Treatment for Autism to Begin Clinical Trials

Could clinical trials for a medical cannabis treatment for autism prove revolutionary in the management of this condition?

May 3, 2018

Burgess Powell

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that suggests that cannabis can treat autism, but theres little research to back it up. To investigate these claims, two bi-coastal research groups are initiating major studies. In New York, researchers are looking at the effect of non-psychoactive cannabinoids over years. Additionally, at theUniversity of California, San Diego team is studying cannabis neuronal and behavioral effects on children with autism.

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Though parents of children with autism have long advocated for cannabis accessibility, this could be the first step in legitimating cannabinoid medication for autism.

What is Autism?

According to the Autism Society of America, autism is acomplex developmental disability;signs typically appear during early childhood and affect a persons ability to communicate.

Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that its severity and symptoms can vary. These can include seizures, the complete inability to speak, anxiety and frustration.....



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